Virgin Blue

Bu yao zai jian a, Yu hua tang

China, 2021, 100′

Xiaoyu Niu

Zi Ye, Shengzhi Zheng

After her college graduation, Yezi comes back home to spend her last summer vacation with her grandmother. The house is filled with grandma’s memories that gradually begin to take shape in reality. Her grandma slowly slips into the abyss of amnesia and time begins to lose meaning. Haunted by those memories, Yezi finds herself wandering among fragments of her family history.

Niu Xiaoyu si è laureata alla Beijing Film Academy con una laurea in animazione e un master in cinema sperimentale. Ha prodotto indipendentemente due cortometraggi, che sono stati selezionati al 10° China Independent Film Festival, al 26° Festival Côté court e al 12° FIRST IFF.