Love Poem

Hong Kong, 2020, 114′

William WONG

Wang Xiaozhen, Zhou Qing, Wang Dixuan, Fan Bingrui, Hu Mingyang, Zhou Qing, Wang Xiaoshuo, Zhou Shiquan

IIn China, a young couple and their baby leave the city to pay a visit to their sick grandfather in the countryside. The husband, who is also the director of this movie, transformed the husband-wife relationship into a film set in the suffocating space of a car. The relationship shatters into a thousand pieces. Love and filmmaking are interwoven here to provide us the account of a moving ‘echo’..

Born in 1989 in Linyi, Shandong Province, China, Wang Xiaozhen graduated from Northeast Normal University in 2012 majoring in Film and TV studies. In 2013, he wrote and directed his first feature film AROUND THAT WINTER (Tianyuan Jiang Wu/田园将芜). Selected as the opening film of the Beijing Independent Film Festival, the film won the Best Debut Film Award at the same year edition of the China Independent Film Festival. LOVE POEM (Qingshi/情诗) is his second feature film (2020).