I Was Born, But…

Otona no miru ehon – Umarete wa mita keredo

Director Yasujirô Ozu
Cast Tatsuo Saito, Mitsuko Yoshikawa, Hideo Sugawara, Tomio Aoki, as Tokkan Kozo, Takeshi Sakamoto, Teruyo Hayami, Seiichi Kato, Seiji Nishimura, Shoichi Kofujita, Chishu Ryu
Country Japan
Year 1932
Lenght 100’
Awards Kinema Junpo Award, Miglior film

One of Ozu’s most popular films, I Was Born, But . . . is a blithe portrait of the financial and psychological toils of one family, as told from the rascally point of view of a couple of stubborn little boys. For two brothers, the daily struggles of bullies and mean teachers is nothing next to the mortification they feel when they realize their good-natured father’s low-rung social status.